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INO Herstory

The making of Iota Nu Omega Chapter in Syracuse, NY

Charter and first line sorors…in 1975 …September, recorded late 70’s by Earth Wind and fir
The original Charter Members of Iota Nu Omega, 1972

On Friday November 11, 1972, a charter was issued to Iota Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Seventeen enthusiastic, dedicated Alpha Kappa Alpha women joined hearts and hands to become charter members of Iota Nu Omega Chapter under the leadership of Regional Director Eva Evans. The establishment of the Syracuse Graduate Chapter was inspired by a young Alpha Kappa Alpha woman, Kathy Espy. Mrs. Espy was instrumental in organizing members of Alpha Kappa Alpha residing in the Syracuse area. The group possessed a desire to actively participate and fulfill the objectives for which Alpha Kappa Alpha was created.





















Iota Nu Omega became a moving force in the Syracuse community. The chapter formulated goals and objectives which promoted the bonds of sisterhood while working to solve existing problems of our society.  The goals were 1) To demonstrate that sisterhood works. 2) To utilize combined talents to provide the community with programs of service.


Since the chapter's inception in 1972, Iota Nu Omega Chapter has continued to demonstrate commitment to the improvement of lives through service to others. The members of Iota Nu Omega have continued to work diligently to implement educational, cultural, and civic activities that are reflective of Alpha Kappa Alpha's International Program Targets. Seventeen Trailblazers paved the way for women to utilize their skills and talent by providing service to all mankind. More than 30 years later, through the combined efforts of nurses, physicians, educators, lawyers, social workers, administrators and journalists, Iota Nu Omega has endured and continues to impact the community.


Past Presidents                         Charter Members

Joan Mitchell                                                                   Martha Bryant

Sherry Myers                                                                    Shirley Coppock Benning

Martha Bryant                                                                 Doris Gilbert

Audrey Anderson                                                            Eleanor C. Hardy

Josephine McCall                                                           Marie Linton

Ann Felton                                                                       Joan Mitchell

Corene Richardson                                                        Corene Richardson

Jacque Randolph                                                           Erma Thompson

Jessie Stallworth                                                            Jacqueline Whitehead

Karen Patton                                                                   Patricia Young

Iverna Minor                                                                    Lillie Fields

Sandra Holmes                                                               Margaret Graves

Wanda Hines-McGriff                                                    Anna J. Johnson

Carol Robinson                                                               Clarice Mims

Lorraine Coleman                                                           Sherry Myers

Grace Mukupa                                                                Gwendolyn Smith

Lisa D. Alford                                                                   Frankie White

Selina Lazarus                                                                Yvonne Young

Evelyn Ingram                                                                

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